First- choice cement manufacturer
Caring to diversify its activities, Anouar Invest Group went for the production of construction materials. The cement business is the first ‘offshoot’ activity by the construction materials division.

Atlantic Ciment has set up its first production unit « Les Cimenteries Marocaines du Sud ». This large-scale grinding plant station, based in Laâyoune, will supply the region’s grinder with clinker. In the first instance, the primary activity is around cement, but the production unit should be extending its products portfolio (concrete and other). Atlantic Ciment also plans to launch another cement plant in the region of Settat. With a production capacity of 2.2 million tons a year, this unit will be entry into service in early 2018.
Like all its subsidiaries, the Anouar Invest Group also strives to develop the activities of Atlantic Ciment over the whole African continent and targets a market share of 10% over the mid-term on the national territory. Its innovation capacity and to be above reproach on the environnemental plan will transform the Group into a leading provider by 2020.